The door is closed – the external world is excluded. Maybe forever. The
mouse/salesman figure wearing a suit and tie is trapped and is
desperately trying to escape. However, inside, on the "island" Friday
has been waiting for Robinson for ages. Two men and two concepts of the
world meet.
The story is based on, among others, Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, but it is
neither its adaptation, nor its parody. The play poses the following
basic questions with the help of the theatrical instruments of
tragicomedy: What is inside and what is outside? Is the one who is
locked in truly in captivity? Is there a way to break free? Is the most
practicable path the path which seems to be the most practicable? What
is, in fact, freedom? Is there a path from soul to soul?
Sponsors: Pro Helvetia, Soros Alapítvány, Fővárosi Önkormányzat
Kulturális Bizottsága, Soproni Önkormányzat Kulturális Bizottsága, VSZM
Közösségi Ház, KAS