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THEALTER 1997 / July 31, Thursday




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Picaro Artistic Production Workshop: Pinocchio - -

31. Thursday 19:00     Chamber Theatre


The story of the puppet who has come to life and is longing for independence and freedom is an ancient, alchemical narrative of initiation. We can find it in the oldest descriptions of genesis: on the scrolls found in the Egyptian pharaohs’ crypt (Homunculus), in Hebrew mysticism (Golem), in Tibetan magic (Kylkhor), even in the Bible.
Pinocchio’s story is the magic initiation of the creature on the basis of the mystic teachings of the tarot cards. We, in fact, know exactly why we die, we even know why we were born. We are just, unfortunately, forgetful by nature. So all the efforts that we make in our everyday existence, in our dreams or even at the moment of our death or birth, are directed towards solving these two questions; and it is only at the moment of the solution that we suddenly realise that the two questions – the problem of birth and death – are one.
The puppet meets this One at the moment of recognition – in other words – at the moment of becoming human. We may as well call this One: God, and we may consider the moment of recognition: eternity.
Accordingly, the "Pinocchio" story-book is itself the pack of tarot cards. Pinocchio is the card numbered zero, he is the Fool, who goes through the mystery of initiation.
Sponsors: Arvisura Színház, Fővárosi Önkormányzat Színházi Alap, Szkéné Színház, Művelődési Minisztérium


Bereczky Péter, Halász Péter, Király Attila, Lukács Gabriella, Stubnya Béla, Tamási Zoltán, Terhes Sándor, Zöldhegyi Sarolta


Pelva Gábor

directed by

Deák Tamás

stage design

Bereczky Péter, Oldal István, Paseczky Zsolt


Szűcs Edit


Deák Tamás


Deák Tamás, Tamás Gábor

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