... in order to compel the human being to bring him/herself face to
face with the projected object.(...) The object is the thing with which
the human being polarises him/herself. It is the thing s/he grasps orto
and uses to lift him/herself out of him/herself.
... through the creation of the object the spirit increases the
temperature of its own being, and doubles its force. Being, on the
other hand, is when the pspirit increases itself. Being is when the
spirit overflows itself.
(Béla Hamvas: Ecstasy)
Bánki Róza, Benkő Szabolcs, Bulatovic Gabriel, Ember Zoltán, Ferenczi Ernő, Francia Gyula, Illés Zoltán, Jenei János, Képes Gabriella, Kiss Attila