Ache was founded by Maxim Isaev, Pavel Semtchenko and Vadim Vassiliev
in 1989. Besides theatre, the group also deals with painting,
photography and film, and they are attracted to the absurd and to
suprematism. They use simple, pure forms. Instead of emphasising the
interpretation of quotations familiar to the audience, they try to
preserve the purity of eclecticism. Ache tries to show the basic state
of affairs through the poor, everyday, objective world. They attempt to
connect the traditionally opposed ’lower’ and ’upper’ worlds. However,
they do not forget about banality. They are fond of beer. Ache
performed, for the first time in Hungary, at THEALTER International
in1995, then returned in 1997. Their latest performance, Ballett, was
produced for THEALTER 2000. It creates a visionary baroque theatre of
the grotesque, where symbols of memory, wrecks of history, broken
sentences, interrupted acts of violence and childish games grow,
building a ’total theatre’ or a ’dream journey’ in a creative fever.