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THEALTER 2002 / July 24, Wednesday




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The Bladder Circus Company: Counterpoint - -

24. Wednesday 21:00     Old Synagogue


Schizophrenic situations, as Adorno says, are ridiculous in the same way as sensory illusions are. Laughing, which they trigger, chokes the one who is laughing. The performance is characterised by this bare-styled way of acting, which reminds one of the awkward and captivating humour of clowns; musician-actors playing musical instruments or just different sounding objects. For Dropletcircus Company the instruments are there as objects, as parts of the setting, just like for Artaud, who claims: 'if we want to affect one's sensitivity directly through the human body, we have to find sound effects and vibrations that are most unusual in all respects. Present day instruments are unsuitable for this purpose. In other words we have to rediscover old and forgotten instruments or invent new ones. Furthermore, we also have to find instruments and devices outside of the realm of music which are able to produce new scales and give off unbearable tormenting sounds by creating new amalgams or rediscovering old ones.'


Esze Fruzsina, Hegedűs Tibor, Spilák Lajos, Szőke Szabolcs

musical director

Lakatos László

directed by

Szőke Szabolcs


Homonnay Katalin

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