'Without bias we can say that the choice of this play was a hit. The
intimate and gloomy ambience of the cellar theatre, which is, in the
closest meaning of the word, a stage constructed professionally in a
cellar, only accentuated the depressing atmosphere of the prison cell
in the play and the power of the words spoken and concealed. You could
feel all the vibrations and fine gestures of the actors. (…)
In the play, which is characterised by poetic language use and
metaphysical heights, the characters are trying to find the answer to
the seemingly simple question as to why a boy vomited on the fresco
portraying the sacred rose during church service. What was the motive
for his sinful deed? The plot of the play is generated by the intention
of revealing and understanding this mysterious and absurd act, and it
investigates the question of crime and punishment from several points
of view at the same time.'
Lévay Gizella: The Poetics of Sin
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