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THEALTER 2005 / July 18, Monday




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BK Cie: In:Errance - -

18. Monday 21:00     Old Hungária Hotel


‘Do we always need to tell a story?
Do we always have to say something?
Something that has an intellectual meaning, an opinion, a point of view, targeted at some particular idea, goal or fixed direction?
Definitely not.

in:Errance is a proposal of a non-theme, a suggestion of a space where there should still be some treasure hidden while there seems to be nothing exposed. The fact is: what happens is what should be done.
But then what?
Bodies first… their energies, their rhythms, forms and strengths. Their own quality. Each quality. And the multiple combinations coming out of what these entities can share for a while in a limited time and space. As the situations mix, we can take them as they are… neither more, nor less… The bodies any way and always. Under the spotlight. Out. In some rhythm. Together. Not.
Qualities in the gestures and movements. As they are. Connections between them.

How do we deal with nothing? How do we react? Do we want to? Do we need to?
That is the point.’
(Philippe Rives)

BK Cie, led by Philippe Rives, works in Berlin. Their performances primarily use gestures and movements, heavily rely on different Chinese martial arts, on African dances, acrobatic and mime elements, and can be regarded as ’body installations’.
The company first performed at THEALTER festival (and in Hungary) last year with an open air production, and became very impressed and inspired by one of the festival venues, the Old Hungaria Hotel. This year, MASZK Association provided them with an opportunity to create a new, unique, site-specific performance in the building.


Kati Kröner, Kirsten Burger, Philippe Lorenzini, Philippe Rhives


Olaf Giesbercht


Philippe Rhives


Philippe Lorenzini, Philippe Rhives


Philippe Rhives


Philippe Rhives

stage design

Philippe Rhives


Philippe Rhives

Supported by:

the Local Government of Szeged

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