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THEALTER 2005 / July 19, Tuesday




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BlackSkyWhite (Russia): Triada

19. Tuesday 19:00     Old Synagogue


Radical, progressive, non-traditional, cult, stylish – these are just some of the epithets given to blackSKYwhite Theatre. The company has so far staged ten plays which they toured at numerous important European festivals: Edinburgh Festival Fringe, London International Mime Festival, Glastonbury, La Strada (Graz), Mimos (Perigueux), Unidram (Potsdam), Konfrontacje Teatralne (Lublin), Contact (Torun), etc. This is their first performance in Hungary.

Triada is a journey through space and time, through a giant spiral with which we can go back to those times when our post-industrial world existed only in the imagination of artists and scientists who were considered lunatics rather than prophets. The performance, based on German constructionist ideas, is a gigantic hi-tech show which broadens the usual theatrical space into a universe. It is both beautiful and startlingly inhuman at the same time, huge mechanical dummies, biomechanisms and totally unknown species populate the stage and warn us: this time has come earlier.We can take part in a surreal journey by means of ultramodern stage technologies which open the door to a new world.This new world is waiting for us. Maybe tomorrow.

Theatre blackSKYwhite’s performances are always magical sights: computer graphics of the actor’s bodily movements, music reaching from electronics to cabaret and ethnic style as well as stunning lighting create an effect of something unreal; a world of great illusion, yet at the same time, a world that is very close and true. The cast has remained the same since the day of its founding: Director Dmitri Ariupin and actress Marcella Soltan have created, and continue to create a special technique of placing actors on the edge, between reality and illusion, where performances are more like a dream than anything resembling real life. It is difficult to identify the genre, the company’s style is perhaps closest to modern choreography in its most nonconformist form.


Alekszander Vorobjov, Alekszandra Svecova, Anton Jeszkin, Marcsella Szoltan


Amon Tobin, Diamanda Galas, Lilith Orgazio, Muslim Gauze, Virago

directed by

Dmitrij Arjupin


Marcsella Szoltan

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