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THEALTER 2005 / July 22, Friday




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Shadow Theatre: Line Knutzon: Soon the Time Will Come - a play in two acts

22. Friday 18:00     Old Hungária Hotel


The story takes place on the 35-year-old Rebekka’s birthday, during which we get into a ‘time-trap’, in which we move backwards and forwards in time, whilst we are in Rebekka’s apartment all the time. Things just happen to Rebekka. She does not exactly realize her active participation in life, so she does not take the responsibility for anything she gets into or she causes to herself or her relatives. She is more interested in the saving of the world. She has been married to Hilbert for several years. Their small fights are games to survive in this stuffy urban environment. Hilbert would like to buy time in order to have time to have time – do something or think things over ‘from beginning to end’. Then the guests arrive at the birthday party and a little later as if the ground would give way underneath…

This post-modern play mixes comical elements, absurd situations and texts with deep realism. It takes a look at today’s shallow serials (e.g. Friends) and their dramaturgy, but it also uses yesterday’s masters’ achievements (e.g. Bergman: Scenes from a Marriage, Albee: A Delicate Balance, Botho Strauss: Time and the Room). The overall effect of the play is surprisingly original, free from formalism, and it does not get stuck in the swamp of irony.

Line Knutzon became world famous with this play. Her way of thinking and style is very close to Lars von Trier’s ’Dogma’ ideology.


Hargitai Iván, Kozma Andrea, Matta Lóránt, Rosner Krisztina, Varga Péter, Várnagy Kinga

directed by

Szilágyi Eszter Anna


Szappanos Gábor

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