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THEALTER 2005 / July 19, Tuesday




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Puppet exhibition: The shadowplayer - exhibition of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute's Puppet Collection

19. Tuesday 17:00     Kövér Béla Puppet Theatre


Béla Büky (1899-1983) began his career as a painter. From the beginning of the 1930s he started working with shadowplays. He made his dreams come true on the basis of well-planned blueprints:
“When I make study drawings, I can already see everything moving.” All of his shadow shows staged are well-known Hungarian folk songs, folk ballads, and legends. His decorative and especially expressive shadow figures became real aesthetic experience in their complex environment of literature and music. The fact that he switched over from painting to shadow theatre revealed the path of his special form of art: the intricate combination of fine arts, music, movement, and speech. His artistic program was to teach art that was simple, universally comprehensible,
and of high quality.

directed by

Papp Eszter

stage design

Imre Barnabás

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