The Movement Department of the Academy of Drama and Film (SzFE) has an
entirely new movement training program from the 2002/2003 academic
year. The curriculum designed by Andrea Ladányi consists of two-week
courses, which provide a diverse, wide-ranging movement culture to
students previously not trained. The extent and value of this change
are undoubted, the present first-, second- and third-year students’
movement culture is already higher than that of the actors who
graduated before. The components of the course are: tai chi, juggling,
jazz-funk, power exercise, rhythmic folk dancing, historical dancing,
fighting (contact), fencing and stage movement.
The current workshop contains three components of the SzFE movement training program: tai chi (instructor: Éva Jászberényi)
dance-rhytmics (instructor: Gábor Katona)
fencing (instructor: Tamás Gyöngyösi).