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THEALTER 2007 / July 18, Wednesday



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Theatre Andaxin (Budapest): Forte Piano - -

18. Wednesday 18:30     Mars Square, Pavilon U


’I loved life, with its truths and lies as well. I protected my one and only life that slipped away, in a time when living was not natural. I had the right. But you see where I am now. I was told I hadn’t been honest. My fault is not that I was full of contradictions, just like life, but that I chose a way. The ones loving life are just like me – similar to life, beautiful and motley. The ones loving death are just like Nero – bleak and dark. I had the better destiny. I lived while I could.’
(Dezső Kosztolányi)

performers: Csapó József, Csík Adrienn, Fülöp József, Geltz Péter, Kovalik Ábel, Nagy Zoltán, Orosz Helga, Virág Melinda,
choreography: Nagy Zoltán, Virág Melinda
costume designer: Szűcs Edit
scenery-style: Árvai György
light design: Payer Ferenc
directed by: Zsalakovics Anikó

Limited seat number!

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