k2 Theatre (Kaposvár): we can’t play that silence
Metanoia Arthopaedics (Szeged): Orthopaedic Revue
14:00-16:00 Kass Gallery: Critics' Circle: -
17:00-17:30 Széchenyi Square: Horváth Mihály Secondary School (Szentes): -
18:00-20:00 Chamber Theatre: TÁP Theatre - Katona József Theatre (Budapest): -
20:00-21:00 101-year-old house (Petőfi sgt.): Utcaszínházi Alkotóközösség (Spec.Street Creative Community) (Budapest): -
22:00-23:00 AudMax/lecture hall, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged: k2 Theatre (Kaposvár): we can’t play that silence
22:45-23:00 Old Synagogue Courtyard: Theatre Andaxin (Budapest): Interventions
23:00-00:10 Old Synagogue: Arad Chamber Theatre (Romania): -
23:59-01:00 Grand Café: Metanoia Arthopaedics (Szeged): Orthopaedic Revue