Intro |
when we think that fate, destination, judgement, mood, climate, state,
behaviour, nuance, half shade, half note, pastel, floating, triviality,
speck of dust, intervals, interruption, breaking off, silence,
intuition, sensitivity, flash, dots, vibrations, aims, customs, ways,
collisions, moods, times, certainties, developments, intertwinings,
compositions, collages, gloominesses, stubbornnesses, vanities,
resistances, objections, repetitions, efforts, recurrences, recurrences
to the eternal return, then will it occur to us that we call all this
theatre, all this that is opinion, thesis, common and ego, mystery and
its key, our creative power and our bondage?
MASZK Association is an entirely non-institutional and
non-governmental, non-profit organisation. Since the association was
funded in 1991, our aim has always been to introduce and help
experimenting, innovative artistic communities. As a result of our
activity, the best artists working in a minority-marginal position
could perform in Szeged. We pay special attention not only to introduce
well-known groups from Western Europe and from our region to our
audience, but to be open towards new-born, progressive initiatives as
well. In the past thirteen years, the names of the Old Synagogue, that
of THEALTER and of MASZK have gradually formed a close association. So
far we have presented about 130 groups from 27 countries of the world
in our town, some of them for the first time in Hungary. We have
participated in several co-productions, carried out continuous
production management, have established festivals, and our book and CD
publishing is widely acknowledged. From civil management to supporting
young talents, we have, in every way, contributed to increasing the
national and international fame of Szeged. Our future direction is
shaped by the concept ‘Southern Line’, on the basis of which we would
like to make Szeged an even more dynamic meeting point for the theatres
of the central and southern European region. The main objective of
MASZK is to maintain the Old Synagogue as a contemporary performing
arts centre.
FINANCIAL DIRECTOR: Martinkovics Katalin
ASSISTANTS: Koza Karolina, Szabó Zsuzsa, Számel Judit, Varró Sándor
SZASZSZ program coordinator: Szögi Csaba
program manager: Trifonov Dóra
organizer of the puppet programmes: Papp Eszter
organizer of theatre critic seminar: Szûcs Katalin Ágnes
festival photographer: Katkó Tamás
assistant: Rácz Anikó
ENGLISH VERSION: Számel Judit and company materials
POSTER DESIGN: Baráth Ferenc
DESIGN: Factory Creative Studio
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Révész Róbert, Molnár Edvárd
FESTIVAL PAPER: Blastik Noémi, Deutsch Andor, Donáth Mirjam, Kémeri Attila Rampai
Balogh Attila, Balogh Manuel, Csáki László, Fogarasi
Zoltán (KET), Kapovits Gábor, Kondás Zoltán (KET), Kormosói Róbert
(Artus), Payer Ferenc (Artus), Pelle Zoltán (KET), Tari Ádám, Turcsányi
István, Varga Imre
Balogh Ági, Bencsik Anett, Bereczki Csilla, Czikora Levente, Filák
Tamás, Frank Enikô, Jeddi Márton, Lantos Katalin, Lôrincz Júlia,
Lôrincz Lili, Németh Adrienn, Palágyi Gáspár, Petró Annamari, Sebestyén
Edina, Szabó Péter, Tolna Péter, Tömöry Gyöngyvér, Varjas Zsófia,
Várnay Zsuzsanna, Zana Katalin, Zôdi Erna
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