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THEALTER 2008 / July 25, Friday



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HMG Workshop (Szentes): The Graduation Circus of the First Hungarian Politically Neutral artiste academy for Training Politicians - -

25. Friday 18:00     Klauzál Square


Ladies and Gentlemen!

A real circus experience!

Our  institute  is  a  place  where,  for  the  first  time  in  the democratic history of our country, would-be politicians can study at an academy. Poor politicians, the idea of a university for this intellectual profession has not occured so far. We  have  undertaken  to make  up  for  this  deficiency  so we established our Artiste Academy for Training Politicians.

We have been working on it on our own so far, but now it is high time we presented our achievements to the public.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please, contribute to the graduation circus with your presence

and welcome the first highly educated politicians.

Ibolya Matos and Imre Keserû

Heads of Department


Czár László, Fehér Alexandra, Fekete Lotti, Gál Roland, Jánosi Eszter, Keresztes Zoltán, Mendler András, Moldván Levente, Nagy Péter, Négyesi Nikolett, Pallagi László, Rácz Anna, Sákovics Eszter, Simon Boglárka, Szabó Andor, Szegedi Barbara, Szlúka Brigitta, Szűcs Annamária, Szvetnyik Kata, Vidó Gábor

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