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THEALTER 2008 / July 24, Thursday



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Cellar Theater Production: But I was a Good Mother… - -

24. Thursday 16:00     Szeged Prison


Judit Pogány is one of the most versatile and genuine actresses  in Hungarian  theatre. Throughout her  rich artistic  career she has already played mother-figures, but how she, in this
monodrama, plays the mother of the last person sentenced to death in Hungary is shocking, to say the least.
In 1979 a brutal double  child murder  shocked Budapest. The tragic story of a young man, who was a postman before he went to work  in a  theatre, was a  lead story  in  the crime sections of  the newspapers back then. István Vajda followed the news and visited the  young man’s  family. He made deep  interviews with  the mother, and  later wrote a shocking monodrama with  the  title  ’The Murderer’s Mother’  on  the  basis  of  these  talks.  The  role  of  the  terrifyingly honest mother-figure  requires  immense  strength  and  concentration  together with  a  bare  stage  presence  probably  characteristic  only  of  the  female protagonists of Greek tragedies.



Pogány Judit

adapted by

Góczán Judit

directed by

Anger Zsolt

stage design

Bodnár Enikő


Bodnár Enikő


Jánoska Zsuzsa

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