When Paolo Conte, Tom Waits, Visotskiy and Boris Vian meet in a pub in Prague.
The band, formed in 2001, plays a uniquely complex music. Melodies from South America and from the Balkans, tango and folk music, free jazz and French ‘chansons’, ballads and rock’n’roll mix together and evoke the world of cabarets and small cafes from the 1930s. Grotesque figures of the big city at night. Budapest through a broken lens.
Imre Kamondy, a founder of the band and vocalist, songwriter, actor, makes the concerts feel more like theatre performances with his unique stage style. The other members also often work together with theatre productions, some play in other well-known bands. They regularly perform in clubs and at theatre and music festivals. Their first album was released last December.
Kamondy Imre (tangóharmonika, ének), Verebes György (zongora), Darvas
Bence (hegedű, trombita, zongora, melodika, ének), Nemes János
(szaxofon, „kavala”), Horváth Gábor (basszusgitár), Pfeiler Ferenc (dob)