The festival’s radio station is Rádió Mi again, broadcasting interviews about the events of the festival with performers and participants every afternoon during the festival. Rádió Mi is a community radio in Szeged with underground music, cultural and general news operated by volunteers. The community does not only maintain a colourful and free media space, but is present in the town’s cultural life with musical events, as well. *
THEALTER Radio staff: Duránszkai Zsolt, Fábián Nóra, Kiss Tímea, Medvegy Gábor, Molnár H. Boglárka, Mucsi Ágnes, Patócskai Anita, Szalai Balázs, Szőke-Tóth Ágnes
With the support of MASZK Association (Szeged).

Thealter 2013 on Mixcloud