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THEALTER 2017 / July 26, Wednesday




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Horváth Mihály Secondary School (Szentes): Suffragists - premiere

26. Wednesday 16:00     Klauzál Square


performed by: Baranyai Balázs, Biácsi Bettina, Börcsök Bálint, Elefánti Emma, Hus Laura, Kállai Dávid, Karsai Dóra, Kozma Hanna, Mari Dorottya, Mátyás Viktória, Rauth Rebeka, Sikó Koppány, Szabó Annamária, Szabó Tamás, Szalai Kinga, Tímár Bendegúz, Tóth Tibor, Zsótér Kitti
directed by: Csapiné Matos Ibolya

The title of the performance refers to the fighters of the movement advocating equal rights for men. They are heroes who were suppressed in the history dominated by women (rewritten by the performers) but have awakened to consciousness. Here and now, in our home country and today, it is exciting to imagine what would have become of the world if the pinnacle of creation had not been the man, but the woman.
The performers are ex-students of the drama specialisation at Horváth Mihály Secondary School. A team of “exes” comes together every summer to create a street performance for THEALTER.

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