Theatre Andaxin (Budapest): Whisperers – and a concert by Ádám Czitrom - poetry-evocation-live music
22. Saturday 23:00
Performed by: Hajduk Károly, Jászberényi Gábor, Kroó Balázs, Czitrom Ádám Directed by: Zsalakovics Anikó
Whisperers is an immersion in the poetry of Attila József as well as an immediate report about the present, the feeling of interdependence and freedom. It is an evocation of his poetry and inner voice as it resonates in the present moment. Theatre Andaxin examines how different art forms can interact and intertwine. Their complex theatrical language involves not only the literary text, but dance, movement, music and powerful visual effects. Ádám Czitrom is a versatile guitarist of the Budapest jazz and underground scene. He has composed music for several contemporary dance shows, films and commercials.