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THEALTER 2017 / July 26, Wednesday




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Dumaszínház - Füge Productions (Budapest): Neglected Male Beauties - a performance art sketch show

26. Wednesday 18:00     Old Synagogue


performed by: Andrássy Máté, Újvári Milán
dramaturgy: Soós Attila
scenography: Dömölky Dániel
ideas: Litkai Gergely, Vinnai András
costume, props: Szabó Márton István

We have become aware of the fact that our bodies are destined to offer visual delight. We merely bend our elbow or squat down stretching the tendons in our thigh, and you, dear spectator, will feel you are in heaven. But we do much more. We will dance for you. Even if some problems come up. Even if you do not want us to.
“The sketch show of these two turns out to be more than just liberating joy. They make confessions about experiencing otherness and accepting the other with such playful simplicity that, between laughs, our hearts ease up and sink at the same time.” (Noémi Marik)

Photo: Merjás Georgij

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