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THEALTER 2017 / July 26, Wednesday




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Forte Company – Ördögkatlan Festival – CAFe Budapest – National Dance Theatre (Budapest): Béla Bartók: Concerto / String Quartet No. 5

26. Wednesday 20:00     Chamber Theatre


dancers: Barna Lilla e. h., Csiby Gergely, Egyed Bea, Fehér László, Hegymegi Máté, Horkay Barnabás, Mészáros Blanka, Nagy Norbert, Pallag Márton, Sipos Vera, Widder Kristóf, Zsigmond Emőke
costume: Benedek Mari
stage design: Mocsár Zsófia, Horváth Csaba
light: Payer Ferenc
production manager: Kudron Anna
choreography: Horváth Csaba

String Quartet No. 5
dancers: Fehér László, Horkay Barnabás, Krisztik Csaba, Nagy Norbert, Widder Kristóf
musicians: Bujtor Kvartett (Bujtor Balázs, Kovács Erika – violin, Móré László – viola, Maróth Bálint – cello)
costume: Benedek Mari
light: Payer Ferenc
production manager: Kudron Anna
choreography: Horváth Csaba

Béla Bartók composed two pieces for dance stages, a pantomime (The Miraculous Mandarin) and a ballet (The Wooden Prince), but several other Bartók works have also been a source of inspiration for choreographers. This time, choreographer Csaba Horváth explores the opportunities of Concerto for Orchestra and String Quartet No. 5, and how to perform these pieces on stage with a dance group. This spring, String Quartet No. 5 received the prestigious Rudolf Lábán Award and the main award of the contemporary dance festival in Veszprém. According to critic Csaba Králl, Bartók, who never denied his folk music roots, and Horváth, who turns his past as a folk dancer into an expression of raw, elemental honesty, meet in a synthesis beyond space and time.

String Quartet No. 5 - Photos: Pályi Zsófia


Supported by: NKA, EMMI

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