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THEALTER 2017 / July 21, Friday




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Béla Pintér and Company (Budapest): Until the Heart Breaks

21. Friday 21:00     Chamber Theatre


Borbély Győző: Thuróczy Szabolcs
Borbély Emőke: Stefanovics Angéla
Borbély Rebeka: Enyedi Éva
Gátéri Róbert: Szabó Zoltán
Orvos, Papa, Karcsi: Friedenthal Zoltán
Dr. Hovány Dénes: Pintér Béla
Nővérkék: Hajdú Rozi, Hornyák Dóra
music: Kéménczy Antal
dramaturgy: Enyedi Éva
costume designer: Benedek Mari
assistant to the costume designer: Pattantyús Dóra
stage design: Tamás Gábor
light: Varga László
sound: Belényesi Zoltán
assistant: Hornyák Dóra
financial assistant: Inhaizer Gyula
production assistant: Uri Eszter
assistant to the director: Hajdú Rozi
written and directed by: Pintér Béla

“Crime, in its most specific sense, in respect of the toughest articles of the criminal code, appears in almost all of Béla Pintér’s plays. The fundamental idea of Until the Heart Breaks is the fictional situation, evoking classic techniques of horror, when organ transplantation, in this case, that of the heart, causes a personality transfer between the donor and the recipient. Under the given circumstances that involve a lot of things real life also comes up with: a loving parent, a self-sacrificing family, a corrupt doctor, a fierce human rights defender, an old-school uncle, an easy-going taxi driver, a retarded child. There is plenty to choose from.” (Andrea Stuber)

Photos: Horváth Judit

Supported by: EMMI, NKA, Szkéné Színház

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