cast: Baranyi Csanád, Csörögi Gábor, Esti Norbert, Mészáros Ágoston, Molnár Mercédesz, Nagy Lili Anna, Németh Áron, Nyilas Zsaklin, Purosz Leonidasz, Szabó Tamás, Szalai Kinga, Timár Bendegúz, Tóth Tibor directed by: Szebeni Zoltán
The ex-students of the drama class at the Horváth Mihály Secondary School participate in the festival every year. The freshly graduated students are joined by former ones to create a new open-air piece together with their teachers. Their most remarkable performances are born this way, as they can give voice to their thoughts about the world openly, without any school restrictions. Their new performance again reflects on certain current political questions, mostly indirectly.