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THEALTER 2015 / July 21, Tuesday



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Metanoia Arthopaedics (Szeged): I am Perfect – an Unconscious Story

21. Tuesday 20:00     Grand Café


contributors: Erdély Perovics Andrea, Krasznahorkai Ágnes, Ruscsák Péter, Rutoni Róbert, Diószegi Ágnes, Kovács Vecei Sára, Perovics Zoltán
on sound recording: Czeglédi András
costume: Csúri Anna
props: Kiss Attila Etele
sound mixing: Lengyel Zoltán
sound technician: Virágh Máté
assistant director and editing by: Erdély Perovics Andrea
written, directed and designed by: Perovics Zoltán

"Our scene is the planet of omission where the many-coloured hypnotic animal supply of poisons is being nourished by empty mutations of the human race. […] Unconscious finale is guaranteed. Living nature affirms the whole existence in each moment."
Metanoia Arthopaedics, established in 1990, is an outsider formation, even in comparison with other theatres that are outside the “theatrical society.” Their new performance, which will premiere at the festival, was made with the use of texts by Friedrich Nietzsche, Béla Hamvas, Franz Kafka and others’ writings as well as archive and present-day documents, sound materials, articles and statistics.

Supported by: Grand Café, EMMI

Restricted number of seats.
Ticket reservation:, +36709411607


Metanoia Arthopaedia is 25 years old this year.
On this occasion a round table discussion will be held at 15.00 on 22 July in Grand Café. Participants include invited guests as well as former and present members of the company. There will also be an exhibition open before or after the performances or the discussion.

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