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THEALTER 2015 / July 24, Friday



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Tea for Two trainings: with Bence Benkó-Péter Fábián / Máté Hegymegi

24. Friday 09:00     Vasvári Voc. School

This year THEALTER focuses again on workshops. Young theatre and drama students will be the participants who will work in three groups under the guidance of four well-known theatre makers. Bence Benkó and Péter Fábián are the directors of k2 Theatre, which is the special guest of the festival. K2 Theatre first performed in Szeged in 2011, when the members were still theatre students, and later returned many times with new performances. This year, k2 Theatre brings three pieces to the festival, all of them made in co-production with other well-known companies. Máté Hegymegi is also a young and very talented dancer and choreographer, and a member of Forte Company. His first production, KOHLHAAS, is also programmed by the festival. András Urbán is a well-known theatre director as well as the managing director of the Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre in Subotica (Serbia), who has been working in many theatres of the ex-Yugoslavian countries in the past years, winning several awards. His latest work with Novi Sad Theatre is also part of the festival programme.
The starting point of the workshops is the complexity of the conflicts in Amphitryon, but the workshop leaders are free to choose an approach, a viewpoint. The workshops will end with demonstrations to be presented on the 22nd and on the 25th July. Furthermore, three young theatre critics will observe the work process and write about their impressions in a blog.

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