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THEALTER 2014 / July 21, Monday



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Béla Pintér and Company (Budapest): Our Secrets

21. Monday 19:00     Chamber Theatre


Balla Bán István – Friedenthal Zoltán
Dr Szádeczky Elvira, Pánczél elvtárs – Csákányi Eszter
Kata – Roszik Hella
Timike – Enyedi Éva
Zakariás Bea – Szamosi Zsófia
Tatár Imre – Pintér Béla
Szujó, Pincér, Pogány – Thuróczy Szabolcs
Tatár Ferenc, Ági – Stefanovics Angéla
Borbíró – Póta György
Konkoly – Pelva Gábor

Roszik Hella – hegedű
Pelva Gábor – hegedű, brácsa, gitár
Póta György – szintetizátor, bőgő, brácsa

adapted by: Enyedi Éva
costume designer: Benedek Mari
assistant to the costume designer: Kiss Julcsi
stage design: Tamás Gábor
light: Varga László
sound: Simon István
props: Quitt László
production assistant: Hidvégi Anna
assistant to the director: Hajdú Rozi
written and directed by: Pintér Béla

Budapest in the 1980s. In a climate of distrust, fear and oppression, people of all social classes mingle in a folk dance hall. They act relaxed and easy, they joke and flirt, and secrets are only exchanged in whispers. In the background, the tape of a recording deck is turning with baleful slowness – a symbol of the perilous mechanics of espionage, betrayal and denunciation.
In his latest production, author, director and actor Béla Pintér not only addresses the socialist past of Hungary, putting his finger on the painful wounds of unaddressed taboos in Hungarian society, but also takes an angry and acrid look at the country’s current political situation.

Supported by: EMMI, NKA, Szkéné Színház
The festival performance is supported by: Szeged Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata, NKA Előadó-művészet Kollégiuma

Suitable only for 18 years or over.

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