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THEALTER 2006 / July 21, Friday



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Theatre Trafik (Croatia): Greetings from the Adriatic - -

21. Friday 18:00     Old Hungária Hotel


Theatre Trafik – Transitive Fiction Theatre, founded in 1998, works with dance and movement theatre techniques. Their focus is on the human body researched through different artistic forms: theatre, literature, music, the visual arts, film, and so on. This is the first time they have performed in Hungary.

Time, space and body are the three points through which the new performance by Trafik questions the phenomenon of tourist consumerism. During summer vacation, the body of the individual, drowned in the mass, easily loses its identity, often resulting in the so called ‘holiday blues’ – a depression caused by unfulfilled expectations. An overcrowded beach or an abandoned summer terrace are places which once a year, through isolated movements and lonely moments of forced entertainment, show a completely different reality, at once absurd, bizarre and melancholic.

Supported by The City of Rijeka – Department of Culture.

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