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THEALTER 2006 / July 21, Friday



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GK Impersonators (not just dance company) - Gergye Krisztián Company: no place like paradise - contemporary dance-ritual

21. Friday 21:00     Korzó Cinema


’I have a notion that they are dreaming me and my dreams. The characters in my dreams are awake. They are acting instead of me. I am asleep. I don’t move. Which hero could believe he is a hero? That he is chosen to wake up God?’

’The living clay statues whirl the dust on the floor unceasingly, thus it covers their face, their body and the performance is all over covered with dust. The overall picture of bodies, the ragged-blood-soaked-tattered costumes, the gorgeous choreography, the sound effects and the surreal vision of happenings offer a wide range of associations: the performance presents an intensive process through movements, as living bodies turn to dust, and as they are transformed into living creatures from dust and mud. […]
[T]he performance is a continuous and intensive flow of pictures; the rhythm of movements is precisely composed, the solos, the pairs, the difficult structure of the collective performance are captivating, as the latter radiates order, pleasure and the poetry of collapse at the same time.’
(Dezső Kovács: Dust of The Paradise, in Színház, Alternative Thalia Project, Special edition, April 2006.)


Supporters: NKÖM, NKA Táncművészeti Kollégium, Budapest Fővárosi Közgyűlés Kulturális Bizottsága Színházi Alap, Műhely Alapítvány, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány, Aulea Alapítvány, MU Színház

Technical supporter: AV-CONTROLL/ARTIFEX 2005

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