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THEALTER 2006 / July 17, Monday



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Béla Pintér and Company (Budapest): My mother's nose - -

17. Monday 23:00     Mars Square, Pavilon U


Someone said to me the other day that I’m a moral insanity. I felt sore about that, but then I realized he was right. However, a moral insanity is not aware of the fact that he/she is a moral insanity, but as I am, I cannot be a moral insanity. Then who is the moral insanity?
Yes, you, who is reading these lines at the moment.
You, who is suffering from the indifference of the world. You, the victim of your environment. You, who desperately feel sorry for yourself, though you are the most indifferent and uninhibited person.
Now you must think you are not, but you wouldn’t be only if you thought you are.
Come and see us. You won’t change, but you will see some characters in the performance similar to you. And you may even guess the meaning of the title.


The performance received the Best Performance Award on POSZT – 6th National Theatrical Festival of Pécs in 2006.


Bencze Sándor, Deák Tamás, Enyedi Éva, Pintér Béla, Quitt László, Szamosi Zsófia, Thuróczy Szabolcs


Darvas Benedek

adapted by

Kovács Krisztina

directed by

Pintér Béla

stage design

Horgas Péter


Bede Péter, Kéménczy Antal, Kerényi Róbert, Sófalvi Kiss Csaba


Berecz Bea


Benedek Mari


Csizmadia Katalin


Pintér Béla


Jansik Péter, Kulifay Tamás, Sánta Sándor

stage design

Pintér Béla

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