The genre of dance film is rather neglected in Hungary. Though several dance films have been made since the mid 1990s, they did not get much publicity. Only some of them were shown at the Hungarian Film Weeks or on TV. This two-day-long program is a selection, concentrating on films made by young independent creators or choreographers.
Tango (5’) choreographer: Hans van Manen, directed by: Csilla Czétényi and József Nagy-Bozsoky
Waiting (8’) choreographer: Adrienn Hód, directed by: Gábor Kasza
Shoes at no time (4’) choreographer: Katalin Kovács, directed by: Zoltán Molnár
Mallheat (34’) choreographer: Ildikó Mándy, directed by: Gábor Dusa and Ildikó Mándy
Managed and organized by: Kontakt Táncért Alapítvány. Supporters: NKA Táncművészeti Kollégium, Kontakt Táncért Alapítvány