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THEALTER 2006 / July 17, Monday



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Derevo (Russia-Germany): Ketzal - -

17. Monday 19:00     Old Synagogue


‘The origins are:


Morning mist;

Sheets of rain;

And everything that came before.’


In Ketzal, one of the latest productions of Derevo, the young artists training in Derevo Laboratory will perform, together with Anton Adassinsky. The performance was created by the company together, under his guidance.

‘Ketztal’ means ‘bird’ in the Nagua language, and the performance is inspired by the Mexican legend of Quetzalcoatl. The beautiful stage imagery, so ‘typical’ of Derevo, and their unique dance and movement style are all present in Ketzal. It is Anton Adassinsky’s déjà vu of the body; a song of the body, and as such it is extremely personal. After years of working in many different types and genres of production from theatre and film to music and workshops, Derevo also returns once again to a simplicity on stage with this performance.

Derevo was first invited to Hungary in 1992, to participate in the second THEALTER festival. Today the company continuously travels the world, they are invited to participate in the most prestigious theatre festivals and artistic events.

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