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THEALTER 2016 / July 29, Friday



férfitestek barátságdarab: mary és max közöny! balog tollából 150 perc téboly tudta 2 tudta? dehogy tudta igen, a halak alszanak makrancos - amikor belső istennőm egyszerre sír és mosolyog persze, hogy nem alberto kisfeszt van arturo ui - védjük meg a karfiolokat!


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Bodyssey (Budapest): Adventure tour and touch therapy

29. Friday 16:00     Vasvári Voc. School


created by: Keserű Imre, Forgó Rebeka, Peller Cintia, Linke Dorottya, Nyáry Pál, Trömböczky Napsugár, Háber Krisztián, Szabó Nelli, Jánosi Eszter, Papp Katika

The Odyssey is happening here and now. And it is happening to you, in you, by you. You are not an outsider, not a spectator, but rather a ‘sensor’. We are not actors but rather your companion. (Don’t be scared, nothing more intimate or worse will happen to your body than during a massage.) Homer’s epic poem doesn’t matter now, we will just tell you about a man who is roaming about, looking for something and wants to feel home somewhere. Maybe in Ithaca. Or in himself.

Photo: Révész Róbert

Limited seating: 8 people/performance, ticket reservation needed.

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