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THEALTER 2007 / July 17, Tuesday



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Compagnie József Trefeli: Real Life Wrong - -

17. Tuesday 21:00     Old Hungária Hotel


József Trefeli was born in Australia with Hungarian origin. After graduating as a dancer, he began to co-operate with European choreographers, then settled down in Switzerland a few years ago. In 2005  he decided to found his own company. He created Real Life Wrong in 2006, a piece that received the prize for Best Choreography at Atelier Festival in Romania.

The piece tells the turning points of the story of a couple. The initial meeting, seduction, is a classic form from the time of chivalrous conquests, finishing with the ambiguous disappearance of the happy couple. We do not accept responsibility for the stages of love and of the lovers discourse: rituals of seduction, love rape, solitude, fête, union, fusion and fission by love, discovery of the other, sex, fantasy, intimate secrets. To be confronted by someone else’s secrets is a dangerous undertaking. The couple suffers the consequences when they reveal the worst of the other to the spectator. At the end of the performance, the two dancers, together yet detached, are united in their bitter sweet acceptance to cover up/point out the masks of the perfect couple.

The performance is full of creative ideas, it is witty, sensitive and visually touching. The scenes projected on the background are organic parts of the show. The icon-like effects are specific and metaphorical, refined and poetic at the same time. The virtuosity of styles and ironic-self-critical moments blend in a harmonic way, the company boldly use the emotions not only on the level of physicality but also lifted-pushed them on a notional level.   

concept, choreography, dance: József Trefeli
choreographic collaboration: Madeleine Piguet
space, lights, video: Sven Kreter
lights: Pascal Burgat
video images: Vania Aillon, Zoya Anastassova
sound: Frédérique Jarabo Oberson

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