The performance premiered this spring is based on Homer’s Odyssey and
combines plastic theatre elements with modern choreography as well as
with a minimum use of text with authentic ways of singing ancient
religious hymns. The actors’ improvisations were also based on such
Greek poems.
Odysseus’s journey is very long, full of fights, but he wishes to
return home with victory. However, his journey could have been made
shorter by a journey within: within his own soul.
This is the first time the group has performed in Hungary.
cast: Larisza Rusznak, Olekszander Formancsuk, Andrij Vogyicsev
light: Jevgen Kopjov
sound: Olekszij Szikorszkij
space: Volodimir Karasevszkij
costume: Olga Novikova
directed by: Olexander Bilozub |