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THEALTER 2007 / July 17, Tuesday



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ACUD Theatre (Germany): The Appoinment - premiere based on Franz Kafka’s Amerika

17. Tuesday 19:00     Old Synagogue


The Dialogue – a theatre trilogy:
ACUD Theatre (Germany) - Urbán András Company (Serbia): The Appointment

’It should not be forgotten how much the emotional range of Chaplin's creations, as well as their historical source, are resembling the world of Franz Kafka.’
(György Lukács)

The questions raised in the first two parts of the trilogy are elevated to a higher dialectical level by Karl Rossman, the protagonist of Kafka's novel. The boy's path in the New World has a paradoxical likeness to our own road at the end of utopias, and after our teachers have fallen silent. The labyrinth of rules constantly foregoing Karl's arrival is the world where we, too, are about to miss happiness. The appointment is there all right, but we have lost the skill to meet it.

cast: Manuel Klein, Thomas Kornmann, Ulrike Mierau, Mikes Imre Elek, Gottfried Röszler, Sófalvi Katalin, Hella Stövesand
stage design, costume: Jens-Uwe Behrendt
production manager, assistant director: Yvonne Leppin
adapted by: Paul Baiersdorf
directed by: Felix Goldmann

Coproduction partners:
MASZK Association – Szeged, ACUD Theater – Alternativer Kunstverein ACUD e.V. - Berlin, Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre - Subotica, Urbán András Company – Subotica

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

Bipolar German and Hungarian cultural co-operations - Bipolar is an initiative of The Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)

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