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THEALTER 2007 / July 20, Friday



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Barboncás Company (Szeged): Dream Picture Gallery - -

20. Friday 19:30     Old Synagogue


This both playful and grotesque performance, which uses a mixture of puppet techniques, is based on the paintings, texts and songs of Bori Rutkai. With a unique visuality, it depicts not only the ’symptoms of love’ through the story of a boy in a wheelchair and a blind girl, but its touching atmosphere and strong scenes make us sense the power of art and see things differently.
The group was founded in 2005, and its members all have a long history of working in different fields of art. This is their first venture to create a puppet production for grown-ups. It excitingly brings together the unique visual creativity of Zoltán Perovics, the exceptional puppets designed and made by Attila Etele Kiss, the expertise of Ágnes Perovics Kiss, and the works of Bori Ruttkai, so it is no wonder that we cannot decide whether we are dreaming, sitting in a theatre or visiting a gallery.

written by: Rutkai Bori
puppeteer: Perovics Kiss Ágnes
assistants: Márton Ibolya, Schwimmer-Tóth Tímea
puppets designed and made by: Kiss Attila Etele
director, stage design by: Perovics Zoltán

Special thanks to: Bánki Róza, Benkő Szabolcs, Filák Tamás, Nagy Zoltán, Radvánszky Gábor, Tóth Andrea, Péter-Szabó Attila.

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

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