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THEALTER 2007 / July 21, Saturday



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Erre Que Erre (Spain): Raining Glass - -

21. Saturday 21:00     Old Synagogue


… we gradually turned vulnerable, increasingly sensitive and defenceless, as well as more and more aggressive, and able of causing pain…

Erre Que Erre, founded in 1996 in Barcelona, is one of the most exciting contemporary dance companies in Spain. They regularly work together with artists from different fields of art (painters, musicians, architects, filmmakers), their productions are characterised by a powerful stage presence, a dense atmosphere and charged gestures. They understand dance as an act of communication which calls for emotions and sensations beyond a logical narrative discourse. The means of this communication is both the dancer’s body and the qualities and properties of the body’s movements.
Raining Glass was premiered in 2005 and is a collective production about our relationship towards our body and towards the desires of the body in montage-like scenes. Emotions, impressions, a palpable sense of tension, intimacy appear in the nexus between the characters on stage.
Erre Que Erre has toured in many European countries and in South-America, too, this is their first time in Hungary.

creators, dancers: Susana Castro, Mª Ángeles G. Angulo, Mario G. Sáez, Teresa Navarrete, Ricardo Salas, Marina Serrano
costume: Jorge Pérez
light: Carlos Rigual
music: válogatás
stage design: erre que erre

Travel support by: Instituto Ramon Llull
Cooperation partners: Endansa, Teatre l’Estruch de Sabadell, Les Golfes de Can Fabra, y Boulevard Festival, Herogenbosch’s (Holland).
The company is supported by: Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Culture (Spain), Cultural Institute of Barcelona

Supported by:

European Capital of Culture - Pécs 2010

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