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THEALTER 2007 / July 18, Wednesday



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ACUD Theatre (Germany): His Master's Voice – Echoes - a theatre concert based on István Eörsi's play

18. Wednesday 17:30     Old Synagogue


The Dialogue – a theatre trilogy:

Eörsi's play is based on the interview he conducted with the philosopher György Lukács, shortly before Lukács’s death. The performance is a reflection on the layers of memory against the backdrop of the end of communism. Another layer has been added to the current version, to be presented in Szeged: the echoes of Utopia are fading out. This evening will also close the circle of our research on Lukács, begun in the summer of 2006 in Berlin and Budapest, there where the philosopher's father was born: in Szeged.

cast: Howard Katz, Raúl Hinojosa, Paul Baiersdorf
music: Ansgar Tappert (experimental electronics), Seiji Morimoto (live electronics)
stage design, costume: Wolf Dieckmann, Simone O. Wolter
music selected by: Moldvai László
directed by: Paul Baiersdorf

Coproduction partners:
MASZK Association – Szeged, ACUD Theater – Alternativer Kunstverein ACUD e.V. - Berlin, Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre - Subotica, Urbán András Company – Subotica

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

Bipolar German and Hungarian cultural co-operations - Bipolar is an initiative of The Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)

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