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THEALTER 2007 / July 18, Wednesday



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Urbán András Company (Serbia): Brecht – The Hardcore Machine - Based on Bertolt Brecht’s Buckow Elegies

18. Wednesday 20:00     Old Synagogue


The Dialogue – a theatre trilogy:

’Theatre without words can also be a great experience. … The creativity and the firm structure of the direction are fascinating … we see short scenes about violence and power, about the oppression and destruction of the individual … Repression and oppression, wickedness and humanity give birth to a motivating force. It is a tingling feeling to see Brecht’s reflections on June 17 in a Hungarian performance. The 1956 revolts in Hungary are considered, depending on one’s point of view, as the low or high points of the struggle against Stalinism and socialism. The Hungarian actors add a certain historical originality to this discourse.’
(Tom Mustroph: Miniatures, Neues Deutschland, April 26th, 2007)

cast: Béres Márta, Erdély Andrea, Mészáros Árpád, Mikes Imre Elek
choreography: Varga Henrietta
music: Mezei Szilárd
costume, stage design:Varga Tünde
technical assistant: Úri Attila
adapted and directed by: Urbán András

Coproduction partners:
MASZK Association – Szeged, ACUD Theater – Alternativer Kunstverein ACUD e.V.  - Berlin, Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre - Subotica, Urbán András Company – Subotica

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

Bipolar German and Hungarian cultural co-operations - Bipolar is an initiative of The Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)

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