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THEALTER 2011-1 / July 19, Tuesday



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PanoDrama (Budapest): Word for Word - the first verbatim theatre in Hungary - on the racist Roma murders, based on more than sixty hours of interviews

19. Tuesday 19:00     Old Synagogue


performers: Bánki Gergely, Sárosdi Lilla, Hárs Anna, Orsós Róbert, Katona László, Schermann Márta, Szamosi Zsófia, Urbanovits Krisztina
dramaturgy: Bíró Dénes, Garai Judit, Hárs Anna, Merényi Anna
video: Bíró Dénes, Korán Gabriella
sound: Keresztes Zoltán
lighting designer: Vida Zoltán
concept and creative production: Lengyel Anna

“It happened though I didn’t commit it. And it didn’t happen, although I committed it.”
(János Pilinszky)

Word for Word uses the facts of the series of attacks on the Roma in Hungary between the years of 2008 and 2009, investigating the responsibility of the majority society for the creation of the current Hungarian atmosphere.
For two statements are simultaneously true: the murders are clearly condemned by 90% of the white Hungarian population. However, at the same time according to a number of indicators, 95% of the same group have racist views on the Roma to a smaller or greater extent. We are attempting to confront both ourselves and our audiences with this latter fact. If we succeed, we can begin working on a solution for this problem.
The texts used in the course of the performance are solely original materials true to the tenets of verbatim work, the length and sequence of which are determined by the performers without stylizing or rewriting the texts at all. We interviewed survivors, relatives, attorneys, police officers, the leaders of the local minority governments and mayors, we asked the man on the street, and we also rely heavily on the statements of public figures and the ensuing media response.
(Anna Lengyel)

“Word for Word by PanoDrama is a groundbreaking performance and fills a gap in the Hungarian theatre scene, however commonplace it may sound at first. The production that calls itself the first verbatim theatre in Hungary is truly a pioneer in promoting documentary theatre in the country. It is also among the very few theatre pieces which undertake to talk about certain social and political problems, and its use of form and methodology is clearly innovative.”
(Fanni Nánay, in Ellenfény)

Sponsors: OSI,

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