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THEALTER 2011 / July 22, Friday



az u21 plusnak vége - blogzár csoportkép, félgudbáj a kaposvári sziszi a kulturális nem támogatás kapcsán závada dupla bréking nyúz mady-baby, kicsi lány - buszon sírni ajánló: mady-baby füst és könny a szembe - kaposvári cseh tamás esti mese helyett: csuja imre háy jános: nehéz tb - de nem az, amire gondoltok hi! jól van, drámaisok! háy jános meg én - ha már egyáltalán lehet ilyet gondolni mit nézünk ma? drámaisok szentesről medvecirkusz, világszám töredékek - józsef attila, én is szeretlek téged balogféle megnyitó fesztiválfíling van eladó blogger szubjektív ön kéntes? thealter u21 plus - blognyitó song


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Horváth Mihály Secondary School (Szentes): Back to Nature - premiere

22. Friday 17:00     Széchenyi Square


performed by: Arany Réka, Bazsó Adrienn, Dizseri Barnabás, Farkas Zsuzsanna, Fehér Patrícia, Horsch Cecília, Jánosi Eszter, Kató László, Keserű Imre, Kocsis Anna Dorka, Letenyei Regő, Mészáros Annamária, Molnár Kitti, Molnár Mercédesz, Nagy Norbert, Németh Lilla Márta, Rácz Anna, Szabó Ildikó, Szabó Nelli, Szegedi Judit, Tényi Bettina, Tóth Tibor, Török Sára
tutors: Csapiné Matos Ibolya, Szurmik Zoltán
directed by: Keserű Imre

We came down from the tree, came out of the jungle, swam to the shore and we were fascinated by the things we saw: nature, ourselves and our fellow men… We were cold and hungry, we fought and defended ourselves. Then our fellow men and nature became our enemy. We built walls to keep the enemy away. We aren’t cold or hungry any more, but we fight and defend ourselves - and from behind those walls nothing seems to be fascinating. Gauguin admires the unreachable Tahitian beauty, the destitute natives are jealous of the extravagant luxury of the tourists visiting their island. They both think they are losers. Since Freud we know that there are walls in our own personality, our childhood and adult egos are at war every day…Are we really so stupid?

Today’s youths, whose everyday activities include online chatting, clicking the Like button, going to the movies with popcorn and Coke, are in need of answers. They grow up with the remote control in their hands, and, as sociologists see it, completely left alone in a time when everything is changing. The formerly typical forms and places of social coexistence have either undergone a radical change or disappeared completely (family, entertainment, communication channels, etc.). These kids even have no memories of living and growing up in a community, unlike their parents and grandparents. If they are born in the country, they long for the city to live, study, work and start a family there. What connects them with nature, with the previous generations or traditions? What comes natural for them, and is it really what they want?

The performance was commissioned and supported by MASZK Association.

Supported by: NKA Színházi Szakkollégium

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

MASZK Association

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