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THEALTER 2011 / July 20, Wednesday



az u21 plusnak vége - blogzár csoportkép, félgudbáj a kaposvári sziszi a kulturális nem támogatás kapcsán závada dupla bréking nyúz mady-baby, kicsi lány - buszon sírni ajánló: mady-baby füst és könny a szembe - kaposvári cseh tamás esti mese helyett: csuja imre háy jános: nehéz tb - de nem az, amire gondoltok hi! jól van, drámaisok! háy jános meg én - ha már egyáltalán lehet ilyet gondolni mit nézünk ma? drámaisok szentesről medvecirkusz, világszám töredékek - józsef attila, én is szeretlek téged balogféle megnyitó fesztiválfíling van eladó blogger szubjektív ön kéntes? thealter u21 plus - blognyitó song


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Festival opening: THEALTER U21

20. Wednesday 17:30     Old Synagogue



luckily we are lucky to say that 21 is a lucky number because if it weren’t a lucky number then it would be an unlucky number but then I could not write this here of course I am not writing it here because I am not writing anything here as I am off to the theatre – will be back soon! but it is not me who says that but those girls and boys who went to the theatre instead of going somewhere else because there are also other places beyond the theatre for example there is the Moon which even has a dark side and as such is similar to theatre however her bright side is even more similar to theatre but these girls and boys didn't go to the Moon but to the theatre straight to OUR THEATRE fabulous isn’t it I have told you that 21 is a lucky number because they have chosen us and as theatre is a bit like a mine where living material is extracted from dead material with the help of pickaxe I can with ease say:
good luck!
to everyone!


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