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THEALTER 2011 / July 22, Friday



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Compagnie József Trefeli (Switzerland): JINX 103

22. Friday 19:00     Klauzál Square


choreography and dance: Trefeli József, Varga Gábor
music: Fred Jarabo

A high energy duo between two highly accomplished male dancers who mix up rhythms and rituals with contemporary dance and body percussion to create a musical dance delight. JINX 103 is a 20-minute imaginary ritual that reflects the peculiar duality of the two performers, József Trefeli and Gábor Varga. Although both of them are Hungarians, they were born in different countries (József in Australia, Gábor in the Soviet Union), and grew up in different cultures. Their most important means of self-expression is contemporary dance; nevertheless, their roots cling to traditional Hungarian folk dance.
Through their common vocabulary of vibrant body percussion where even the most basic rhythms are extremely complex, with clapping and slapping, clicking and stamping, they create a breathtakingly energetic dance of lightning fast footwork, leg twisting and weaving, high kicks and turning jumps. The shared aim of the dancers is to transmit the joy induced by dancing together to anyone who may be interested.
Why JINX 103? In many languages when two people accidentally say the same thing simultaneously, there is a word that must be quickly said to ward off bad luck: the French say ‘chips’, the English say ‘jinx’ and the Hungarians say '103'.

József Trefeli is an award winning, internationally acclaimed performance artist. Australian born, and bred with a Hungarian heritage, he has worked out of Geneva since 1996. In 2005 he founded his own company. This is not the first time he appears at THEALTER Festival: in 2007 his company performed Real Life Wrong here, while in 2008 he was commissioned to produce a dance performance, which he entitled Ooorpheus.

The guest performance was supported by the municipality of Geneva (Switzerland)

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