Class 10.D.: 101 Future Street 25’
The performance, created by 14-15-year-old drama students, is about the future, about their future and their expectations. The first part shows a mosaic of images of what the future may bring for them, based on their own experiences and full of irony. In the second part, they have used ideas by some writers of the 20th century in order to express the anxiety and insecurity which are manifest for the young people of the early 21st century when trying to define their place in the world.
cast: students of Class 10.D. at Horváth Mihály Secondary School
directed by: Szurmik Zoltán, Pádár Zsolt
Class 12.D.: Temptation 24’
Have you ever felt the urge to put your finger in someone else's nose on the underground? Have you ever felt an irresistible desire to spin an anacondapythonboa? Do you like living in Hungary? Or would you like to move abroad? Do you not want to be loved? Or do you at least want one person to love you? Then: 'Hello, temptation, I've been waiting for you. Hello, temptation, I may even want you, Hello, temptation, good to have you here, Hello, temptation, show me something real!'
Temptation was the keyword for this performance, put together in a summer camp by senior drama students of the secondary school. First they collected their ideas, then made a selection and combined the scenes into a 24-minute open air show, which they have now adapted to the stage.
cast: Molnár Odett, Rácz Sarolt, Béres Barna, Bana Sára, Jehoda Sixtin,
Zámbó Nikolett, Gyetyinás Renáta, Vaszkó András Imre, Herczeg Dániel,
Nagy Tamás, Nyíri Zsófi, Németh Evelin, Roenhelt Zsuzsanna, Kálmán Adél,
Vadászi Linda, Hegyi Boglárka, Fekete Fanni, Papp Katalin, Karácsony
directed by: Tóth János Gergely, Szebeni Zoltán