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THEALTER 2011 / September 21, Wednesday



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ADY-ák KIMI 13 (Ady Endre Secondary School) (Debrecen): Gábor Máté Pogány: Fragments...

21. Wednesday 18:30     Vasvári Voc. School


Our performance is about the poet Attila József, one of the most prominent figures in Hungarian literature. But he was not only a poet, he was also a human being. There are real feelings, such as anger, love, disappointment and craving, behind his poems. There are also women behind these poems. So we examined the most important women and, with their help, tried to reconstruct the circumstances of how some of his poems were born. Four women, one man - two performers.
The performance is neither surrealistic, because it is too realistic, nor fully realistic, because it is controlled by fever dreams and exaggerated feelings.
It is neither a reading, nor a literature class, nor a psychological lecture, however, I do recommend it to literary people, students and psychologists as the performance covers a large section of Attila József's poetry, his life, and the characterisation of his soul.
Gábor Máté Pogány

The performance was created by three 18-year-old students from the drama class at Ady Endre Secondary School in Debrecen. It was awarded at the National Student Theatre Festival, where Endre Papp also received the prize for best actor.

written by: Pogány Gábor Máté
performed by: Osváth Judit, Papp Endre
directed by: Papp Endre

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