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THEALTER 2011 / September 22, Thursday



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Bárka Theatre: János Háy: Hard

22. Thursday 19:30     Old Synagogue


The protagonist of the play is Háy's eternal protagonist: a man who leaves the countryside for the capital in his teenage years, who, with his parents' support, breaks the seemingly endless family tradition and frees himself from the family nest. He wants to be different, different from his ancestors, and will redeem his kin. But then illusions disappear, to no surprise. He loses his old home but never manages to find a new one in the big city, though he tries his best to create 'his own life'. But this life, determined by law and chance, is desperately predictable...
The playwright's unique language and his humorous, yet more and more solemn prose foreshadow a dark Hungarian tragedy.
Zoltán Mucsi received the award for best male actor at the 2011 National Theatre Festival in Pécs this summer, while the performance is presently nominated in three categories (best new Hungarian drama, best actor, best supporting actress) for the Theatre Critics' Award.

Man: Mucsi Zoltán
Mother: Lázár Kati m.v.
Teacher: Gados Béla
Head of Department: Ilyés Róbert
Wife: Varga Anikó
Karesz: Pásztor Tibor
Xxx: Sárkány Sanyika

stage design: Sárkány Sándor
costume design: Kárpáti Enikő
music composed by: Dresch Mihály
assistant: Gábos Kati
assistant director: Kiss Mónika
directed by: Bérczes László

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