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THEALTER 2011 / September 24, Saturday



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Pál Péter Závada: an evening with literature, theatre and music

24. Saturday 20:00     Old Synagogue


An evening with Pál Péter Závada, on a 100 m2 stage.
Father and son meet in the Old Synagogue in Szeged, almost halfway between Budapest, where they live, and Tótkomlós, where they come from.
Pál Závada and Péter Závada live.
Excerpts from Pál Závada's plays, family memories, grandfatherly intuitions, old photographs.
Péter Závada's poems, recited by Péter Závada himself, with some music in the background, and further surprises.
A one-and-only event in 70 minutes!

Pál Závada: sociologist, writer, literary editor. His first sociological study was published in 1986, while his first collection of short stories in 1996. The following year his first novel came out and was met with critical acclaim. He has written several further novels, plays for theatre and radio as well as screenplays.

Péter Závada: poet, musician, copywriter. Founding member of the much-awarded rap group Akkezdet Phiai. Publishes his poems in a number of literary magazines. An active organiser of, and participant in, slam poetry events.

stage servant: Balog József

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