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THEALTER 2010 / July 18, Sunday



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GoBe Company (Budapest): Tolnai’s Dance Encyclopedia - The Giraffe from Eszék - -Body-Gymnastics-Dance-

18. Sunday 19:00     Old Synagogue


War comes again and again to destroy everything but the deserted houses and the devastated lands get filled with life again and again. In spite of all the efforts the ethnic groups are still mixing; in spite of communism, the Church is still flourishing and the rituals haven’t disappeared; though the objects tend to break, the instinctive creativity of the human kind to create its own objects never disappears – these are the main motives of the volume entitled Balkan Laurels.
Talking about his own creative methods, Ottó Tolnai often mentions that he has always found great pleasure in taking Tolnai Encyclopedia in his hands and that he has always attempted to describe each motive as thoroughly and comprehensively as an encyclopedia. In our new show we also try to approach our topics this way, though instead of the dictionary entries we use dance pieces of different styles.
(Katalin Turai)

The GoBe Company’s works are mainly based on the unfolding of dance scenes and real-life situations deriving from constant interaction and interference. The forms of expression are diverse. The members of the company are professional dancers, who are familiar with classical ballet and modern dance, too, though some of them are also distinguished ballroom and folk dancers. The company, which consists of dancers, actors, musicians, singers, editors, artists and film-makers, perform their pieces not only on stage but in the street, shop windows, subways, and public squares just a few steps from their audience.
Their first appearance at THEALTER Festival last year was in a shop window in the most popular shopping street of Szeged.

created and performed by: Lukács Bicskey, Lilla Kőnig, Zsófia Bicskey, Péter Parti, Szilveszter Székely, László Takács, Lénárd Ilyés, Imre Kővágó Nagy, Nóra Kallai, Csaba Gyulai
adapted by: Katalin Turai
costume: Zsuzsa Tresz
lights: Katalin Dézsi
comp master: Rita Góbi

Supported by: NKA, OKM, Flórián Műhely – Mozgó Ház Alapítvány, Sín Kulturális Központ, L1 Független Táncművészek Társulása, Műhely Alapítvány

The guest performance is supported by: Szeged MJV Önkormányzata

The performance is managed and supported by MASZK Association.

Supported by:

the Local Government of Szeged

National Cultural Fund

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