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THEALTER 2016-1 / July 27, Wednesday



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Lifeboat Unit-GYERE Chances for Children Association (Budapest): Szociopoly - interactive theatrical social gameársasjáték

27. Wednesday 19:00     Vasvári Voc. School


written and directed by: Fábián Gábor
sociologist consultants: Bass László, Fodor Kata
performed by: Bass László, Fábián Gábor, Hay Anna, Jaskó Bálint
dramaturgy: Róbert Júlia
scenography: Veronika Keresztesová, Bujtás Móni
assistant: Tési Dóra
production manager: Trifonov Dóra

By mixing social game and drama, Lifeboat Unit invented the genre of interactive theatrical social game where audience members actively participate in the performance. Sociopoly is about the life of poor families living in small villages in today's Hungary. The families can only hope for income via aids, temporary jobs or illegal work – these are the resources our players have in order to make ends meet somehow. In this reality constructed by the play, everyone becomes poor for an hour or two and will feel the excruciating feeling of standing out on their own skin. The creators use the emotional energy of the game so that the participants would get a feel of the frustration of daily survival without work, money, or other resources.

Photo: Dömölky Dániel

Supported by: SÍN Kulturális Központ, Open Latitudes – Az Európai Unió Kultúra programja, FÜGE, Polgár Krisztina Emlékalap

Supported by:

National Cultural Fund

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